Monday 24 October 2016

About Conversion Tracking in Ad-words

Conversion Tracking:

Conversion tracking is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads whether they purchased a product, signed up for your newsletter, called your business, or downloaded your app. When a customer completes an action that you've defined as valuable, these customer actions are called conversions.

Why Use Conversion Tracking: 

  1. See which keywords, ads, ad groups, and campaigns are best at driving valuable customer activity.
  2. Understand your return on investment (ROI) and make better informed decisions about your ad spend.
  3. See how many customers may be interacting with your ads on one device or browser and converting on another. You can view cross-device, cross-browser, and other conversion data in your “All conversions” reporting column.

How Conversion Tracking Works:

Conversion tracking starts with you creating a conversion action in your Ad-Words account. A conversion action is a specific customer activity that is valuable to your business. You can use conversion tracking to track the following kinds of actions:

    Web site Action: Purchases, sign-ups, and other actions that customers complete on your website
  • Phone calls: Calls directly from your ads, calls to a phone number on your website, and clicks on a phone number on your mobile website. Learn more about phone call conversion tracking.
  • App installs and in-app actions: Installs of your Android or iOS mobile apps, and purchases or other activity within those apps. Learn more about mobile app conversion tracking.
  • Import: Customer activity that begins online but finishes offline, such as when a customer clicks an ad and submits a contact form online, and later signs a contract in your office. Learn more about offline conversion tracking.
.The conversion tracking process works a little differently for each conversion source, but for each type besides offline conversions, it tends to fall into one of these categories:
  1. You add a conversion tracking tag, or code snippet, to your website or mobile app code. When a customer clicks on your ad from Google Search or selected Google Display Network sites, a temporary cookie is placed on their computer or mobile device. When they complete the action you defined, our system recognizes the cookie (through the code snippet you added), and we record a conversion.
  2. Some kinds of conversion tracking don’t require a tag. For example, to track phone calls from call extensions or call-only ads, you use a Google forwarding number to track when the call came from one of your ads, and to track details like call duration, call start and end time, and caller area code. Also, app downloads and in-app purchases from Google Play will automatically be recorded as conversions, and no tracking code is needed.
  3. Once you’ve set up conversion tracking, you can see data on conversions for your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords. Viewing this data in your reports can help you understand how your advertising helps you achieve important goals for your business.



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