Tuesday 3 April 2018

What is Google Panda Algorithm, How it Works Google Algorithm Update

How is a website weighed-high or low quality by Google?

How does the Google search engine identify which website among millions fall in “high or low quality”? Or which one among the list delivers good or bad content?  Google has designed many algorithms and these algorithms in response conduct several surveys to expand the performance and create space for fast learning.

We have more than one million websites online, every second there is on or the other website added to the learning set.  When a new website is added in the learning set, the quality rater algorithm provides feedback on the sites to the Google search engine. Once the search engine receives the feedback from the raters, they use it on website to determine whether the sites are “high quality” or “low quality”. Such verification process is attempted on each website, in this way Google constantly receive a fair outline of “how a Web looks like”. The outline attained from raters is later used to help the Panda algorithm to find the best match of Website signals.  Panda algorithm suggests Google to weight website that has strong signals to produce a set of scores (page wise) that divide the Web into “high quality” and “low quality”.

How the Panda Algorithm Works?

What is a Google panda algorithm? Google Panda is a set of stable algorithm data that help the Google search engine to refresh the search results, by refining its search algorithm to improve the speed of search query results for users. When compared to other algorithms of Google, Panda algorithm was a first of its kind to be automated.  Panda algorithm had a shield that protected vague content from the “middle sheet” of those Website whose pages were believed to be “high or low quality”. The new Google Panda updates nips the algorithm as part of Google's continual efforts to encourage high-quality sites through organic search results.  They target those sites that exhibit a large amount of third party links in terms to get in the high-quality content list.

How important is the Panda Algorithm to Webmasters?

Assemble a collection of teacups; try to pick one among the several that someone else has made, in a second. That’s what panda algorithm does.  In search of a nice teacup at a super market, we often end up buying a set of tea cup that is fancy vibrant and good, in whole design means a lot. In the same way, Google too with the help of panda algorithm select those websites that possess a large collection of teacups. Because, they find it difficult to assess those sites that explain every teacup with fussy detail that often take in poor attention of audience.

Hence, the webmasters have to concentrate on what constitutes the best collection of teacups, not the best teacup.  In simple words Panda can't be acquainted with the difference between a “quality content" and Low Quality Content “.  The Google panda algorithm is designed to assess a website though good presentation and not based on substance.   In basic language of economics, a system gravitates toward a stability point that generates best solution in the least quantity push. That is a webmaster has to improve his contribution towards design than content to gain “best result”, in order to negotiate with the panda algorithm for never a perfect option.


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